Daniel becomes a high-ranking wise man in the Persian and Babylonian empires. He has
1. Nebuchadnezzar defeats Jerusalem and tales the best, healthiest, and brightest young men to[...]
2. Nebuchadnezzar is troubled by a dream that none of his dream interpreters could help with. He[...]
3. Nebuchadnezzar built a golden image that was sixty cubits in height. All Babylonian leaders[...]
4. Nebuchadnezzar proclaims the great deeds of Gods and how mighty his wonders are. Nebuchadnezzar[...]
5. The new king, Belshazzar, made a great feast, drank wine from the temple vessels, and praised[...]
6. Daniel is made one of the governors in Darius’ administration. There were people plotting[...]
7. Daniel saw visions of four great beasts coming from the sea. The four beasts represent the four[...]
8. Daniel has a vision and sees a ram with two horns. Another goat with a large horn struck the[...]
9. Daniel is aware that the Babylonian exile would last for seventy years. He fasts, prays and[...]
10. Daniel had another vision where he was mourning for three weeks and saw a glorious man with a[...]
11. The southern Persian kingdom will fight the northern kingdom. The king of the north will[...]
12. Michael comes up at a troubled time. The Jewish people will be delivered if their name is found[...]