
Paul wrote to the church he founded in Ephesus and explained the mystery of God and that God would form the church from among the Gentiles and Jews through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross even before the foundation of the world. Christians should walk in a manner worthy of God’s calling, imitating his love.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Paul, to the saints in Ephesus. Praise the God who predestined us for adoption in Christ. May you[...]

Chapter 2

When we were dead in sin God made us alive with Christ. Gentiles are now fellow citizens. You are[...]

Chapter 3

I preach the mystery of Christ. The wisdom of God is made known through the church. I pray that you[...]

Chapter 4

Therefore walk worthy of your calling. Christ gave each of us gifts to build up the body. Put off[...]

Chapter 5

Walk in love as Christ loved us. Walk as children of light. Expose the darkness. Husbands, love[...]

Chapter 6

Children, obey your parents. Slaves, obey your masters. Put on the whole armour of God to stand[...]

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