
God sends his prophet Isaiah to warn the Israelites of their future judgment and inform them

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

1. Isaiah prophesied: The Lord has spoken, “I raised children, but they’ve rebelled against me.[...]

Chapter 2

2. The mountain of God will be established. On that day, the pride of men will be humbled.[...]

Chapter 3

3. The Lord will take away all support from Jerusalem and Judah, and the children shall govern. You[...]

Chapter 4

4. On that day, the branch of the Lord shall be glorious. Those left in Zion will be called holy.[...]

Chapter 5

5. Israel is like a vineyard that yields wild grapes. Woe to those who follow drinking and those[...]

Chapter 6

6. I had a vision and saw the Lord seated on high. A seraph brought a lump of coal to my lips and[...]

Chapter 7

7. Ephraim plotted with Aram, and the Lord sent Isaiah to King Ahaz. He informed him that a virgin[...]

Chapter 8

8. The floodwaters of Assyria will overflow the land, and many men will fall and be snared. They[...]

Chapter 9

9. A child will be born to us, and his government will increase forever. The Lord will raise[...]


10. Woe unto those who rob the poor of justice and to Assyria, whose only purpose is to destroy.[...]

Chapter 11

11. A shoot will result from Jesse. He’ll judge with righteousness, and the wolf will coexist[...]

Chapter 12

12. On that day, you’ll say, “I will praise you, O God! Your anger has turned away. Surely God[...]

Chapter 13

13. The oracle concerning Babylon: Listen, God is gathering an army. I’ll punish the world for[...]

Chapter 14

14. God will choose Israel again. How you are defeated, O Satan! You’ll be cast away like a[...]

Chapter 15

15. The burden against Moab. The soldiers and cities of Moab will fall under a night attack. The[...]

Chapter 16

16. A throne will be made from David’s house. We’ve heard of the pride of Moab, and within[...]

Chapter 17

17. The burden concerning Damascus: Damascus will become ruins, and Jacob will be brought low.[...]

Chapter 18

18. Ethiopia's help is not needed to deal with Assyria. God will cut off Assyria’s springs with[...]

Chapter 19

19. The burden against Egypt: God will hand the Egyptians over to a cruel master. They’ll suffer,[...]

Chapter 20

20. God spoke through Isaiah and commanded them to go naked. As he’s naked, so shall the[...]

Chapter 21

21. The burden against the wilderness of the sea (Babylon). An army from Persia matches against[...]

Chapter 22

22. The burden against the Valley of Vision (Jerusalem). An army will attack Jerusalem, and there[...]

Chapter 23

23. The burden against Tyre. The sailors will wail when they hear of the destruction of their home[...]

Chapter 24

24. Behold, God lays the earth to waste. Its people are held guilty, and fear, pit, and snare await[...]

Chapter 25

25. O God, I’ll praise you. You’ve done great things. God will swallow up death forever, and[...]

Chapter 26

26. A song will be sung in Judah, “The Lord is the eternal Rock. Your hand is lifted high. We[...]

Chapter 27

27. Leviathan will be defeated by the lord. Israel shall rise and fill the world with fruit. In[...]

Chapter 28

28. Woe to Ephraim’s drunkards as they’ll be snared. Behold, I lay in Zion a precious[...]

Chapter 29

29. Woe to Ariel, David’s city Jerusalem as its pride, shall be humbled. However, Jerusalem will[...]

Chapter 30

30. Woe to the rebellious children looking to Egypt for their protection from Assyria. Judah will[...]

Chapter 31

31. Woe to those who look to Egypt instead of the Lord. God is greater than the Egyptians, and He[...]

Chapter 32

32. Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule with justice. The people will[...]

Chapter 33

33. The plunderers of Assyria will be plundered while Zion will be filled with righteousness and[...]

Chapter 34

34. God is enraged against the nation, and His sword is filled with blood. God has set a day of[...]

Chapter 35

35. The desert will blossom, and the land will be restored. The weak will be strengthened, and the[...]

Chapter 36

36. The king of Assyria came against Judah, and his commander said, “Don’t listen to Hezekiah.[...]

Chapter 37

37. Hezekiah prayed to the Lord, saying, “Assyria’s king will not enter the city.” The angel[...]

Chapter 38

38. The sick Hezekiah is assured by Isaiah that he won’t die but will live for another fifteen[...]

Chapter 39

39. Hezekiah welcomes and entertains Babylonian envoys and shows them all his treasures. Isaiah[...]

Chapter 40

40. A voice cries, “Comfort my people.” Prepare the way for the Lord! He is the everlasting God[...]

Chapter 41

41. Let all nations of the earth meet for judgment. Do not be fearful, O Israel! I will come to[...]

Chapter 42

42. Behold, my servant! The Lord will bring justice to all nations. Sing a new song to the Lord.[...]

Chapter 43

43. I am with you, O Jacob, as I’m the Lord. There’s no other savior. Behold, I’ll do a new[...]

Chapter 44

44. I’ll pour out my spirit on your offspring. Who makes a false good? A carpenter prays to a[...]

Chapter 45

45. The Lord says to Cyrus: I have called you for Jacob’s sake. I’m the Lord. Come back to me[...]

Chapter 46

46. False gods are carried away on carriages. God will carry His people into old age. Golden idols[...]

Chapter 47

47. O daughter of Babylon, sit in the dust. You showed no mercy and trusted in sorcery. Evil shall[...]

Chapter 48

48. O Jacob, hear me as I’ve refined you for my own sake. I’m the alpha and omega. Thus says[...]

Chapter 49

49. God formed me in the womb to restore Jacob and bring salvation. Can a mother forget her weaning[...]

Chapter 50

50. Have I no power to deliver? God has given me a learned tongue. I ignored those who beat me. He[...]

Chapter 51

51. God will comfort Zion, and the wilderness shall become an Eden. God’s salvation and[...]

Chapter 52

52. Arise and wear your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city! You shall be redeemed, and[...]

Chapter 53

53. The Lord’s servant was despised and rejected. He was pierced for our sins. In the end, by his[...]

Chapter 54

54. Sing, O barren woman! Your child will inherit the nation. Your maker is your husband, and no[...]

Chapter 55

55. Come forward, all you who are thirsty. I’ll make an everlasting covenant. My word will not[...]

Chapter 56

56. Be just for the salvation is new. I’ll bring the outcasts of Israel to my house and gather[...]

Chapter 57

57. The righteous are prosecuted and find peace in death. The Lord’s people have committed[...]

Chapter 58

58. The Lord’s people ask why their prayers are unanswered. They seek pleasure on their fast[...]

Chapter 59

59. The Lord’s hand is not shortened, so it cannot save. The problem is the sins of the people-[...]

Chapter 60

60. Arise and shine, for your light has come! The nations will come to you, and I’ll make you[...]

Chapter 61

61. The Lord’s spirit is on me. He’s sent me to proclaim freedom, and his people will inherit a[...]

Chapter 62

62. For the sake of Zion, I’ll not keep quiet. You’ll be given a new name, and your God will[...]

Chapter 63

63. Why are his garments dyed red? He has trodden the winepress furiously. I have trampled the[...]

Chapter 64

64. Oh, that you would rend the heavens. You meet the people who do right. We’re all the work of[...]

Chapter 65

65. I was sought by those who did not ask for me. You will go hungry, but my servants will eat. I[...]

Chapter 66

66. The Lord is repaying his enemies. Rejoice with Jerusalem and be comforted. All people will[...]

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