
Israelites failed to trust and obey the Lord and wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

God instructed Moses to count the Israelites who could go to war but exclude the Levites. The[...]

Chapter 2

The Israelites camp around the Tabernacle with Judah to the easy, Ephraim to the west, Dan to the[...]

Chapter 3

Aaron's sons are appointed as the priestly tribe, and the census of his descendants is taken,[...]

Chapter 4

The Levites are numbered according to families, and they are given instructions on how to pack the[...]

Chapter 5

The unclean and the lepers are to stay outside the camp. Any Israelite can take part in a sacrifice[...]

Chapter 6

Those who take a Nazarite vow to separate themselves unto the Lord. NO alcohol, no cutting hair or[...]

Chapter 7

Moses anoints and sanctifies the Tabernacle and gives the main popular Levite families the items[...]

Chapter 8

Moses and Aaron purify Levi's sons through sin and burnt sacrifices. During the occasion, the[...]

Chapter 9

The Israelites are to keep the Passover in the first month of the second year. Those who skip the[...]

Chapter 10

Two silver trumpets are made so that the Levites can call the assembly to the Tabernacle. They are[...]

Chapter 11

Israelites complain about the food that they only had Manna and nothing else. God scorches them[...]

Chapter 12

Aaron and Miriam speak against Moses due to an Ethiopian girl he had married. God rebukes them and[...]

Chapter 13

Moses sends out twelve Israelite spies into Canaan. After forty days, the spies return, and Caleb[...]

Chapter 14

After the spies' reports, the Israelites murmur against Moses and long for Egypt. God forgives them[...]

Chapter 15

God instructs Moses that the Israelites will offer different offerings upon reaching the Promised[...]

Chapter 16

Korah, Dathan, and Abirahim rebel against Moses and claim all are holy, not just Moses and Aaron.[...]

Chapter 17

Twelve rods representing each tribe are brought to the Tabernacle. The names of the tribes are[...]

Chapter 18

God instructs Aaron about the Levites' duties in the Tabernacle. He informs them that they have no[...]

Chapter 19

God describes Eleazar's sacrifice of a red heifer to Moses and Aaron. He also tells them the laws[...]

Chapter 20

The Israelites move into the Zin wilderness, where Miriam dies. When Israelites complain of thirst,[...]

Chapter 21

Israelites defeat King Arad, King Og, and the King of the Amorites. The Israelites, however,[...]

Chapter 22

Balak fears the advancing Israelites and asks prophet Balaam to curse them. God warns Balaam that[...]

Chapter 23

Balaam and Balak offer sacrifices, and Balaam seeks God's will. Against Balak's request, Balaam[...]

Chapter 24

Balak is angry, but Balaam reminds him that "blessed is he who blesses you and cursed is he who[...]

Chapter 25

The Israelites were unfaithful with the Moabite women and worshipped their gods. God is angry, and[...]

Chapter 26

Moses and Eleazar conduct a census which results in 601,730 fighting men and 23,000 Levites. Lot[...]

Chapter 27

The daughters of Zelophehad are given an inheritance after their father passes on without a son.[...]

Chapter 28

God instructs Moses on the procedures for the morning and evening sacrifices, the Sabbath, monthly,[...]

Chapter 29

Trumpets must be blown on the first day of the seventh month. Instructions are given for the[...]

Chapter 30

Both a man and a woman must keep their vows. For a woman, unless her father or her husband[...]

Chapter 31

The Lord commands the Israelites to revenge on the Midianites for corrupting them earlier. Moses[...]

Chapter 32

Reuben and Gad requested to settle in Gilead, and Moses obliged with the condition that they helped[...]

Chapter 33

This chapter lists the journeys and places the Israelites stayed. God commands Israelites to take[...]

Chapter 34

God shows Moses the borders of the Promised Land, which is to be inherited. Joshua and Eleazar are[...]

Chapter 35

The Levites are given 48 cities and common lands from the territories of the other tribes. Six of[...]

Chapter 36

Fathers of Gilead talk with Moses regarding their daughters' inheritance. Daughters who inherit[...]

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