
This letter encourages Christians to stick to Jesus Christ despite their tribulations and persecutions because he is greater.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

In these last days God has spoken by his Son. Of the Son he says, "Let the angels worship him."[...]

Chapter 2

We must pay closer attention. The author of salvation tasted death for everyone. He was made like[...]

Chapter 3

Jesus has more honour than Moses. He is the Son over God's house. Therefore, "Do not harden your[...]

Chapter 4

Let us fear lest anyone fails to reach the promised rest. The word of God judges the heart. So we[...]

Chapter 5

Every high priest from among men is subject to weakness. Christ is a high priest in the order of[...]

Chapter 6

Let us press on to maturity. It is impossible to restore those who fall away. The promise of God is[...]

Chapter 7

Abraham gave a tithe to Melchizedek, who had no end. Our Lord became a priest through[...]

Chapter 8

We have a high priest who ministers in the true tent. He mediates a better covenant. He says, "I[...]

Chapter 9

The high priest enters the Most Holy Place once a year with blood. Christ entered the true holy[...]


The law is but a shadow. Animal blood cannot take away sins. Christ offered one sacrifice forever.[...]

Chapter 11

Faith is the proof of hope. By faith the world was made. By faith Abraham obeyed. By faith Moses[...]

Chapter 12

Let us run the race, looking to Jesus. God is disciplining you as sons. See that no one falls short[...]

Chapter 13

Let love continue. Marriage should be honoured. Let us bear the reproach Christ endured. Submit to[...]

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