Both kingdoms turn away from God and ignore him and his prophets. Eventually, they both fall
Moab, which was ruled by Israel since the time of David, rebels after Ahab dies. Ahaziah sends a[...]
Elisha follows Elijah, and his followers are referred to as the sons of the prophets. Elijah[...]
Jehoshaphat and Jehoram join forces and fight against the Moabites. Elisha prophesies victory for[...]
Elisha performs miracles, and a widow’s jar of oil is filled with a lot of oil which she sells to[...]
Namaan, a Syrian army commander, gets leprosy, and Elisha advises him to wash in the river Jordan[...]
The sones of the prophet build themselves a bigger house. While cutting down a tree on river[...]
Elisha prophesies that food prices will go down the following day. Four leprous men surrender to[...]
The Shunammite woman who had been restored to life by Elisha earlier is advised to leave Israel for[...]
Elisha summons a prophet’s son to anoint Jehu, Jehoshaphat's son, as king of Israel. The Lord[...]
Jehu forces Jezreel to murder all Ahab’s seventy sons and Ahaziah’s forty-two brothers. At[...]
Athaliah, Ahaziah’s mother, kills all Ahaziah’s heirs and reigns. Jehoshena, King Joram’s[...]
Joash rules Jerusalem for 40 years and follows God’s rules, rebuilds the temple. He gives the[...]
Jehoahaz, Jehu’s son, rules Israel and does evil. He is delivered into Syria’s hands and dies.[...]
Joash’s son Amaziah reigns and does good though he does not eliminate the high places. Amaziah[...]
Azariah rules for fifty-two years and does right but does not remove the high places. He dies a[...]
Ahaz reigns in Israel for sixteen years and dies evil by offering human sacrifice with fire to[...]
Hoshea reigns in Israel for nine years but disobeys God. Hoshea is imprisoned by Assyria after they[...]
Hezekiah reigns in Judah, does good, obeys God, and removes the high places, destroying Moses’[...]
Hezekiah turns to Isaiah for advice, who informs him that Sennacherib will be defeated and killed[...]
Hezekiah falls ill and is instructed by God through Isaiah to put his house in order before dying.[...]
Manasseh reigns in Judah for fifty-five years, rebuilds the high places, and worships false gods.[...]
Josiah became king at only eight years. He is a good king and rebuilds the temple. Hilkiah, the[...]
Josiah reads the book of the law to Judah, and Josiah is set a clear program of religious reform.[...]
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, makes Jehoiakim his vassal, and Judah is attacked by raiders from[...]
Nebuchadnezzar captures Jerusalem again, Zedekiah’s sons are killed, and he is taken, prisoner.[...]