
This is a collection of the sayings written to help people make wise decisions that bring about justice. They are short sayings communicating a moral truth or principle.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

1. The proverbs of Solomon. My son, do not envy or follow the sinners. Wisdom calls aloud, and the[...]

Chapter 2

2. Apply your heart to understanding, my son. For God gives wisdom that will save you from the ways[...]

Chapter 3

3. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, my son. Do not overlook or hate his discipline. Wisdom is[...]

Chapter 4

4. Listen, my sons; Get wisdom. The path of the righteous is like the morning sun. Guard your heart[...]

Chapter 5

5. Listen to my words, my son. In the end, adulteresses will be as bitter as wormwood. Stay away[...]

Chapter 6

6. A little slumber and poverty will attack you like a bandit. A scoundrel sows discord. Any man[...]

Chapter 7

7. Wisdom will keep you away from the adulteress. I saw an adulteress seducing a young man, and he[...]

Chapter 8

8. Wisdom cries aloud, “My mouth speaks the truth. God brought me forth at the start of his work.[...]

Chapter 9

9. Wisdom has built her house. She says, “Come and leave your folly. “ The fear of the Lord is[...]

Chapter 10

10. A wise son makes his father glad. Love covers all offenses. Sin is not lacking in many words.[...]

Chapter 11

11. God hates dishonest scales, and the wicked earn false wages. Whoever provides water will[...]

Chapter 12

12. No one finds security through wickedness. Those who toil on the land have food. Rash words[...]

Chapter 13

13. The righteous despise lies. Deferred hope makes the heart sick. Whoever follows reproof is[...]

Chapter 14

14. The talk of fools is a rod for their backs. My heart may ache even in laughter. Those who[...]

Chapter 15

15. A gentle answer turns away wrath. The Lord’s eyes are everywhere. Plans fail due to lack of[...]

Chapter 16

16. A man plans his way, but it is God who directs his steps. Kings hate evil, and pride goes[...]

Chapter 17

17. A wise servant will reign over a shameful son. Beginning a quarrel is like breaching a dam.[...]

Chapter 18

18. A fool delights in his own opinions, and the Lord’s name is a strong tower. A gift opens the[...]

Chapter 19

19. Wealth makes friends, and a false witness must be punished. A good wife is from the Lord, and[...]

Chapter 20

20. Wine is a mocker, and beer is a brawler. Even a child is known for his deeds. God hates false[...]

Chapter 21

21. Doing justice is better than sacrifice. Better live on a roof than live with a quarrelsome[...]

Chapter 22

22. A good name is better than riches. Train your child, and he will never go astray. Incline your[...]

Chapter 23

23. Do not wear yourself out to get rich. Do not move a boundary marker. Buy the truth and do not[...]

Chapter 24

24. Do not envy the wicked. Wisdom is sweet to the soul. Dear the Lord and the king. I saw thorns[...]

Chapter 25

25. Do not praise yourself in the presence of the king. Give food to your enemy if he’s hungry.[...]

Chapter 26

26. As a dog returns to its vomit, so is a fool who repeats his folly. A quarrel dies down without[...]

Chapter 27

27. Faithful are the wounds of a friend. A loud blessing in the morning is taken as a curse. A[...]

Chapter 28

28. Better to be poor and honest than wicked and rich. Whoever confesses sins will receive mercy.[...]

Chapter 29

29. A king builds the land by justice. There is no peace whether a fool ranges or laughs. Correct[...]

Chapter 30

30. Every God’s word is pure. Give me neither poverty nor riches. Four things are never[...]

Chapter 31

31. Speak up for the speechless. Who can find a perfect wife? She purchases a field, makes[...]

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