
The Lord saves the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and enters into a special relationship with them. The Ten Commandments are given, and the Lord’s tabernacle is built so that He can dwell among his people.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The children of Israel continue multiplying in Egypt. However, they're dreaded by a new King of[...]

Chapter 2

Moses is born to a Levite family and is cast onto the river in an ark made of bulrushes. Pharaoh's[...]

Chapter 3

God calls Moses in the form of a burning bush at Mount Horeb. He is instructed to go to Pharaoh and[...]

Chapter 4

Moses is unsure and anxious that Pharaoh wouldn't listen to him, but God gives him the signs that[...]

Chapter 5

Moses asks Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave, but he adamantly refuses and instead increases[...]

Chapter 6

God assures Moses that he will deliver the Israelites and keep His covenant. However, the[...]

Chapter 7

God tells Moses that He will harden Pharaoh's heart so that he can multiply His wonders. Moses and[...]

Chapter 8

The plague of frogs, the plague of lice, and the plague of flies came upon Egypt. Pharaoh ordered[...]

Chapter 9

God sends the plague of livestock, though the Israelites' livestock is not affected, the plague of[...]

Chapter 10

Moses talks with Pharaoh, and a plague of locusts falls upon Egypt. Pharaoh repents, but his heart[...]

Chapter 11

God instructs Moses to collect silver and gold from the Egyptians. Moses informs Pharaoh that all[...]

Chapter 12

The Passover is conducted where all Egyptian firstborns are killed, and Pharaoh allows the[...]

Chapter 13

God instructs the Israelites to consecrate their firstborns to him. The feast of the unleavened[...]

Chapter 14

Pharaoh's heart is hardened again, and he pursues the Israelites, and the frightened Israelites[...]

Chapter 15

The Israelites sing songs of victory led by Moses's sister Miriam. Bitter water is turned sweet at[...]

Chapter 16

The Israelites started complaining to Moses that they had run out of food. God sends quails and[...]

Chapter 17

The Israelites reach Rephidim, where they start complaining about the lack of water. Moses then[...]

Chapter 18

Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, offered sacrifices to the Lord and advised Moses to delegate duties[...]

Chapter 19

The Israelites camp at Mount Sinai, where Moses goes up to meet God on the Mountain. God spoke to[...]

Chapter 20

God gives them the Ten Commandments, and the Israelites are afraid of God and are happy that they[...]

Chapter 21

God speaks to Moses about the laws of slaves, killing, beating, striking, fighting, hurting, and[...]

Chapter 22

God speaks to Moses of theft, restitution, borrowing, trespassing, sorcerers, betrothal, loans,[...]

Chapter 23

God speaks to Moses's laws of justice, 7th day, 7th year, three annual festivals, and other gods.[...]

Chapter 24

Moses builds an altar at the Mountain's base and makes a sacrifice, after which he sprinkles blood[...]

Chapter 25

God speaks to Moses and tells the Israelites to bring offerings. He instructs them to build the Ark[...]

Chapter 26

The Lord describes to Moses the design of the tabernacle curtains. A fine line and curtains of goat[...]

Chapter 27

God describes the design of the bronze altar of sacrifice and the basins, shovels, and other[...]

Chapter 28

Aaron and his sons should be consecrated as priests. The Lord describes the priest's garments,[...]

Chapter 29

God instructed the Israelites to sacrifice two rams and a young bull to consecrate Aaron and his[...]

Chapter 30

God tells Moses the description, design, and use of the altar of incense located in the Holy Place.[...]

Chapter 31

God informs Moses who He selected to design and make the Tabernacle. He explains Sabbath as the[...]

Chapter 32

When Moses is delayed in the Mountain, Aaron leads the Israelites in making a false gold calf and[...]

Chapter 33

God commands the Israelites to depart for Canaan. Moses meets God in the Tabernacle, where a pillar[...]

Chapter 34

God instructs Moses to make new tablets for the law and ascend Sinai again to rewrite the[...]

Chapter 35

Moses informs the Israelites about the Sabbath and that fire should not be kindled on the Sabbath[...]

Chapter 36

The Israelites bring more than enough offerings for the sanctuary. The construction of the outer[...]

Chapter 37

Bezalel makes the ark, mercy set, lampstand, cherubim, holy oil, and incense altar. The description[...]

Chapter 38

Bezalel makes an altar of utensils, burnt offerings, courtyard curtains, a gate, and a laver.[...]

Chapter 39

The Garments of ministry, breastplate, ephod, tunic, crown, and robe are made. The Tabernacle and[...]

Chapter 40

Moses sets up the Tabernacle, installs the furniture, and anoints priests. The glory of the Lord[...]

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