2 Chronicles

David’s son, King Solomon, builds the temple. However, after centuries of rejecting God, the

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Solomon gathers the leaders of Israel at Gibeon, where the tabernacle is. He offers thousands of[...]

Chapter 2

Solomon reaches out to Huram, the king of Tyre, and asks for help to build the temple. The two[...]

Chapter 3

Solomon started the construction of the temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. A detailed description[...]

Chapter 4

Solomon builds the altar, basins, tank, tables, candlesticks, the golden altar, and more furniture[...]

Chapter 5

The temple is completed, and the leaders gather to sing and worship. The ark is brought to the[...]

Chapter 6

Solomon blesses Israel, dedicates the temple’s prayers, and requests God to fill the temple, have[...]

Chapter 7

A fire comes from the heavens and consumes the burnt offerings. The Israelites worshiped God and[...]

Chapter 8

Solomon expands Israel’s territory and fortifies it. The conquered people are sent to slave[...]

Chapter 9

The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon and tests him with questions. She loves Israel, their king and[...]

Chapter 10

Rehoboam is then made king at Shechem, and Jeroboam leads the Israelites to complain about the[...]

Chapter 11

Rehoboam plans to attack Israel, but through Shemiah, God advises him to allow secession. Rehoboam[...]

Chapter 12

Rehoboam turns from God and is attacked by Egyptian king Shishak. Shemiah admonishes Rehoboam, and[...]

Chapter 13

Abijah becomes the king of Judah and taunts Jeroboam with a speech attacking Israel’s stresses[...]

Chapter 14

Asa becomes the king of Judah and is obedient to God. He destroys the high places and altars them[...]

Chapter 15

Prophet Azariah implores Asa to seek the Lord, and Asa destroys the land of idols, and the godly[...]

Chapter 16

Israel’s King Baasha blockades Judah. Asa forms an alliance with Ben-Hadad of Syria, and together[...]

Chapter 17

Jehoshaphat ascends as the king of Judah and obeys and follows God. He destroys the high places and[...]

Chapter 18

Jehoshaphat allied in marriage with Ahab of Israel plan to attack Syria. Four hundred Israeli[...]

Chapter 19

Prophet Jehu speaks to Jehoshaphat and rebukes him for his alliance with Israel but commends him[...]

Chapter 20

Ammon and Moab attack Judah and a fast is imposed throughout Judah. Judah comes together to ask for[...]

Chapter 21

Jehoram, Jehoshaphat’s son, becomes king in Judah and kills his brothers, and disobeys the Lord[...]

Chapter 22

Ahaziah rules Judah and does not follow the Lord. He joins with Jehoram, king of Israel, to attack[...]

Chapter 23

Priest Jehoiada summons the leavers and Levites and anoints Joash as the king of Judah. Athaliah is[...]

Chapter 24

Joash raises resources to repair the temple, and Jehoiada dies. Joash turns from God after Jehoiada[...]

Chapter 25

Amaziah becomes the king of Judah and kills the servants who killed his father. Amaziah attacks[...]

Chapter 26

Uzziah ruled Judah for fifty-two years after becoming king when he was sixteen. Uzziah's time is[...]

Chapter 27

Jotham becomes king of Judah and follows the Lord. He builds up Judah, fights the Ammonites, and is[...]

Chapter 28

Ahaz becomes king and worships other gods, and is defeated by the Syrians and Israelites. Prophet[...]

Chapter 29

Hezekiah becomes the king of Judah and follows the Lord by reopening and cleaning the temple and[...]

Chapter 30

Hezekiah invites Israel and Judah to Jerusalem for Passover. Many attend and are purified. Confess,[...]

Chapter 31

After the Passover, many images of false worship are removed and destroyed throughout Judah.[...]

Chapter 32

Sennacherib of Assyria sends an arrogant message to Jerusalem and attacks Judah. However, an angel[...]

Chapter 33

Manasseh became king at the age of twelve. He worships false gods, builds altars and idols in the[...]

Chapter 34

Josiah rules Judah and follows God. He bans idolatry, destroys the high places, and conducts raids[...]

Chapter 35

Judah and Josiah keep the Passover in Jerusalem and provide lambs for the lay people. Josiah fights[...]

chapter 36

chapter 36

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