
The Book of Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament, is an account of the creation of the world, the early history of humanity, Israel's ancestors, and the origins of the Jewish people. Its Hebrew name is the same as its first word,

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 consists of 36 verses and gives an overview of how God created the world in 6 days. The[...]

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 It introduces the completion of creation where God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to[...]

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 describes how the serpent deceived the woman. The serpent convinced Eve to eat the[...]

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 covers the whole story of Cain and his brother Abel- sons of Adam and Eve. After God[...]

Chapter 5

Chapter five describes the generations of Adam, from Seth to Noah. Adam lived to 930 years.[...]

Chapter 6

Those who take a Nazarite vow to separate themselves unto the Lord. NO alcohol, no cutting hair or[...]

Chapter 7

God commanded Noah and his household to enter the ark and take seven pairs of clean animals,[...]

Chapter 8

The wind passed over the earth, and the floods abated. Noah sent a raven and two doves out of the[...]

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 talks of how God blessed Noah and his family and blessed them to be fruitful and multiply[...]

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 covers Noah's descendants and how the nations grow and spread across the earth. His[...]

Chapter 11

In this chapter, the tower of Babel is built. God saw the tower and the city and observed that[...]

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 is the beginning of Genesis's patriarchal history, telling the story of the earliest[...]

Chapter 13

Abram goes back to Bethel, where he built an Ark. God promised to fulfill his promise, and he's[...]

Chapter 14

Four kings in Sodom and Gomorrah go to war and capture Lot. Abram rescues Lot, and a priest named[...]

Chapter 15

Deep darkness surrounds Abram at night, and God's word comes to Abram. The Lord tells him that his[...]

Chapter 16

Abram's wife Sarai is barren, and God gives Abram an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar. Hagar[...]

Chapter 17

God made a covenant with Abram renaming him Abraham and renaming Sarai Sarah. He promises them a[...]

Chapter 18

Three visitors appear to visit and introduce themselves as angels. Abraham invites them in to have[...]

Chapter 19

Two angels appear to Lot in Sodom, where he invites them as his guests. The inhabitants demand to[...]

Chapter 20

Abraham says that Sarah is his sister in Gerar. King Abimelech took Sarah, but God warned him in a[...]

Chapter 21

As promised, Sarah bore a son named Isaac. She ordered Hagar and Ishmael to be sent away, but the[...]

Chapter 22

God instructed Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham obliged, and when he was about to, the angel of[...]

Chapter 23

Sarah died at the age of 127 at Kiriath-Arba. Abraham bought the field of Ephron to use the cave as[...]

Chapter 24

Abraham doesn't want Isaac to marry a Canaanite and dispatches a servant to Nahor to find his son a[...]

Chapter 25

Abraham marries Keturah and later dies and is buried in Ephron, next to Sarah. Isaac and Rebekah[...]

Chapter 26

There's a great famine, and the Lord tells Isaac not to go to Egypt but to remain in Gerah with[...]

Chapter 27

Jacob and Rebekah tricked Isaac into giving Jacob his blessings. Angered by the betrayal, Esau vows[...]

Chapter 28

Jacob sleeps in Bethel using a stone for a pillow. He has a vision of a long ladder from heaven to[...]

Chapter 29

Jacob went to Laban to marry one of his daughters Rachel. Laban agreed on the condition that Jacob[...]

Chapter 30

Out of frustration, Rachel gives her maid Bilhah to Jacob, who bears two sons- Dan and Naphtali.[...]

Chapter 31

Laban and his sons are jealous that Jacob has all the best sheep, forcing them to chase Jacob away.[...]

Chapter 32

Jacob learns that Esau is coming to meet him. He sends his servants to take gifts to him. He[...]

Chapter 33

Jacob and Esau meet and are reconciled. Esau accepts Jacobs's gifts, and Jacob moves to Succoth and[...]

Chapter 34

Shechem, son of Hamor, a local prince, rapes the daughter of Leah, Dinah. Hamor negotiates a[...]

Chapter 35

God commands Jacob to build an altar at Bethel and disband all foreign gods. The Lord reaffirms his[...]

Chapter 36

Esau marries Adah, Bashemath, and Aholibamah from Canaan. He sires children, gets many cattle, and[...]

Chapter 37

Joseph, Israel's favorite son, dreams that his brothers are jealous of him. They then lie to their[...]

Chapter 38

Judah sleeps with Shuah and gives birth to Er, Onan, and Shelah. Er marries Tamar, and after his[...]

Chapter 39

In Egypt, Joseph prospers and is made an overseer in Potiphar's palace. Potiphar's wife tempts[...]

Chapter 40

Pharaoh's butler and baker are also thrown into prison, where Joseph interprets their dreams. True[...]

Chapter 41

Pharaoh had a strange dream and called for Joseph to help interpret it. The dream predicted a[...]

Chapter 42

Jacob sends all of his sons except Benjamin to Egypt to buy corn. On reaching, they bow down to[...]

Chapter 43

When their grain ran out, Judah convinced his father to allow Benjamin to go with them to Egypt.[...]

Chapter 44

Joseph placed his silver cup in Benjamin's sack and sent a steward after them. He finds the cup and[...]

Chapter 45

Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, who are very afraid. Joseph assures them that he won't get[...]

Chapter 46

Together with his entire household, Israel went to Egypt, and Joseph reconciled with his father.

Chapter 47

Pharaoh meets Joseph's family and gives them the best land in Goshen, Egypt. The famine worsened,[...]

Chapter 48

Jacob became ill, and Joseph took his sons Manasseh and Ephraim. Jacob blessed them and said the[...]

Chapter 49

Jacob gathers all his twelve sons, commands, blesses, and prophecies about them. He instructs them[...]

Chapter 50

Jacob is mourned and embalmed. Joseph, his family, and the Egyptians move to bury Joseph in Canaan.[...]

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