

This is a collection of 150 songs that the Israelites sang to God and each other. It is a type of hymnal record for the ancient Israelites.

Chapter 1

Blessed is the man who doesn’t walk with the wicked, whose desire is in God’s law. He’s like[...]

Chapter 2

2. Why do the rulers plot against the Lord and those he’s anointed? The Lord laughed and said to[...]

Chapter 3

3. O Lord, how many foes do I have? But you shield me and have broken the teeth of my enemies.[...]

Chapter 4

4. Answer me when I call you, O God! How long will you seek lies, O people? Put your trust in God![...]

Chapter 5

5. Hear my cry, God! You hate the wicked. Lead me in righteousness because of my foes. Let all who[...]

Chapter 6

6. Have mercy on me, O Lord! My soul is suffering. I cry all night! Alienate me from the wicked![...]

Chapter 7

7. O God, save me from those after me. Arise in Judgment. The Lord has prepared his weapons against[...]

Chapter 8

8. O God, how majestic is your name on all earth! What is a man that you care for? Yet you have[...]

Chapter 9

9. I will praise you, O God! You have rebuked the nations, and you will judge the world with[...]


10. O God, why are you far? The wicked are hunting the weak. He says, “God will never see. “O[...]

Chapter 11

11. I take refuge in the Lord. How can you say, “Flee like a bird?” God hates the wicked and is[...]

Chapter 12

12. Help, O God! The godly are no more. Everyone lies! “I will protect the weak,” says the[...]

Chapter 13

13. How long, O God? Will you forget me forever? Answer me and give light to my eyes! But I will[...]

Chapter 14

14. A fool says in his heart, “There is no God. There’s no one who does good. Will evildoers[...]

Chapter 15

15. God, who may dwell in your sanctuary? He who walk is blameless, who doesn’t slander, who[...]

Chapter 16

16. Protect me, O Lord! I have no good besides you. The Lord is my portion. I won’t be shaken and[...]

Chapter 17

17. Hear a just cause, O God. My steps have held to your ways. Hide me under your wings and deliver[...]

Chapter 18

18. The Lord is my rock. When I called, he thundered from heaven and saved me from my foes. I will[...]

Chapter 19

19. The heavens declare God’s glory. God’s law is perfect, making wise the simple. May my words[...]

Chapter 20

20. May God answer you when in trouble, and may he remember your offerings! God saves his anointed,[...]

Chapter 21

21. O God, the king rejoices in your strength. You set a crown upon his head, and you will destroy[...]

Chapter 22

22. O God, have you forsaken me? I’m despised, and they’ve pierced my hands. You’ve answered[...]

Chapter 23

23. The Lord is my shepherd, and he leads me on the paths of righteousness. I’ll fear no evil and[...]

Chapter 24

24. The earth belongs to God. He who has a pure heart will receive the blessings. Lift up your[...]

Chapter 25

25. I lift up my soul to you, O Lord. Show me your ways and teach me your paths. Forgive my sins[...]

Chapter 26

26. Vindicate me, O God, as I’ve walked with integrity. I do not associate with deceitful men,[...]

Chapter 27

27. God is my light and salvation. I will not fear, and I’ll seek Your face, O God. Do not[...]

Chapter 28

28. I cry to you, O Lord. You’re my rock! Repay the wicked according to their work. The Lord is[...]

Chapter 29

29. Ascribe to God’s glory! The voice of the Lord is over the waters and shakes the wilderness.[...]

Chapter 30

30. I’ll exalt you, O God, for you spared me from going down the pit. I cried for mercy, and you[...]

Chapter 31

31. I seek refuge in you, O Lord. I commit my spirit into your hands. Deliver me from my foes.[...]

Chapter 32

32. Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven. My bones wasted away when I kept silent. You[...]

Chapter 33

33. Rejoice in God. Make melody and play skillfully. Let all the nations fear the Lord. He focuses[...]

Chapter 34

34. O magnify God with me! I looked for him, and he answered. Taste and see that God is good.[...]

Chapter 35

35. O God, fight against those who fight me! Then I’ll rejoice. They repay evil for good.[...]

Chapter 36

36. The wicked flatter themselves. Your love, O God, reaches to the heavens. In your light, we see[...]

Chapter 37

37. Do not envy the evildoers, for they’ll fade like the grass. The earth is for the righteous to[...]

Chapter 38

38. O God, your arrows have pierced me! My guilt has consumed me, and my strength fails me. I[...]

Chapter 39

39. My anguish increased when I was silent. O God, what is the measure of my days? My hope is in[...]

Chapter 40

40. I waited patiently for God. He drew me up from the pit. I delight to do your will, O Lord. My[...]

Chapter 41

41. Blessed are those considered the weak. My enemies ask when I will die. They collect slander,[...]

Chapter 42

42. My soul longs for you, O God, as the deer pants for water. Your waves break over me. Why are[...]

Chapter 43

43. Vindicate me, O God. Why have you rejected me? Send forth your truth and your light. Why are[...]

Chapter 44

44. O Lord, our fathers have told us how you drove out the nations. But you’ve sold your people[...]

Chapter 45

45. My heart overflows with verses for the king. The Lord has anointed you with gladness, and all[...]

Chapter 46

46. The Lord is our refuge. We’ll not fear, though the earth gives way. With the nation's rage,[...]

Chapter 47

47. Clap your hands, you nations. How great is the Lord Most High! Sing praises to our Lord, sing[...]

Chapter 48

48. Great is God, and greatly to be praised! The joy of all earth is Mount Zion. O Lord, we ponder[...]

Chapter 49

49. Hear this, all people! Man in his pomp will not persist. He is like the beasts that perish. But[...]

Chapter 50

50. The Mighty One, God the Lord, speaks: “I’ll not accept goats and bulls. For you hate[...]

Chapter 51

51. Have mercy on me, O Lord! Cleanse me from my sins, and don’t cast me away from your presence.[...]

Chapter 52

52. O mighty man, why do you boast of evil? Surely God will bring you down to ruin. Yet, I’m like[...]

Chapter 53

53. The fool says in his heart, “There’s no God.” There’s none who does good. Will[...]

Chapter 54

54. Save me, O Lord! For strangers have risen against me. The Lord is my helper. He’ll repay my[...]

Chapter 55

55. Give ear to my prayer, O Lord. My heart is troubled. It is my equal, my friend, who rises[...]

Chapter 56

56. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for my foes trample on me. Are my tears not in your book? In the[...]

Chapter 57

57. Be merciful to me, O God! I’m in the midst of lions, and my heart is steadfast, for great is[...]

Chapter 58

58. Do your rulers judge justly? No, you mete out violence. O God, break their teeth. The righteous[...]

Chapter 59

59. Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord. Every evening, they return, howling like dogs. Annihilate[...]

Chapter 60

60. You have rejected us, broken us, O God. Restore us now! God has promised: “Judah is my[...]

Chapter 61

61. O God, hear my cry! Lead me to the rock that’s higher than I. Prolong the life of the king.[...]

Chapter 62

62. My soul waits for God alone. He alone is my rock and salvation. Trust in the Lord at all times,[...]

Chapter 63

63. O Lord, you’re my God. My soul thirsts for you. Your love is better than life. My lips will[...]

Chapter 64

64. Hear me, O Lord! Shield me from the plans of the wicked that ambush the blameless. God will[...]

Chapter 65

65. Praise awaits you, O Lord, in Zion. By awesome deeds, you answer us. You silence the roaring[...]

Chapter 66

66. Shout for joy to the Lord. Come and see what he’s done. He has not let our feet slip, and[...]

Chapter 67

67. May the Lord be gracious to us and make his face shine upon us. Let all praise you, O Lord! The[...]

Chapter 68

68. Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered! Kings and armies flee. Our Lord is a God who[...]

Chapter 69

69. Save me, O Lord! I endure scorn for your sake. Rescue me from the mire. You know all my enemies[...]

Chapter 70

70. Come quickly to help me, O Lord! May those who seek my life be shamed. May all who seek you[...]

Chapter 71

71. In you, O God, I take refuge. Do not forsake me when my strength fails. I’ll tell your[...]

Chapter 72

72. Give the king your justice, O Lord. May he defend the cause of the poor. May all kings fall[...]

Chapter 73

73. Surely, the Lord is good to the pure in heart. I envied the wicked until I saw their end.[...]

Chapter 74

74. O Lord, why have you rejected us? Enemies have defiled your sanctuary. For how long will they[...]

Chapter 75

75. We thank you, O Lord! I say to the boastful, “Don’t boast! God is the judge.” The wicked[...]

Chapter 76

76. The Lord is known in Judah. You’re glorious, more majestic than the mountains. The earth[...]

Chapter 77

77. I sought the Lord in the day of trouble. Has he withdrawn his compassion? You’re the Lord of[...]

Chapter 78

78. The Lord worked miracles in Egypt and brought his people to the holy land. They rebelled, and[...]

Chapter 79

79. O Lord, the nations have invaded and shed blood like water. How long, O God? Save us for the[...]

Chapter 80

80. Hear us, O Shepherd of Israel! For how long will you be angry? Restore us, O Lord. Watch over[...]

Chapter 81

81. Sing aloud to God our strength. I hear a voice saying: “I’m the Lord. Oh, that my people[...]

Chapter 82

82. God judges among the gods: “How long will you judge unjustly? Defend the weak. You’re all[...]

Chapter 83

83. O Lord, do not keep silent! Your enemies make plans against your people. Moab, Amalek,[...]

Chapter 84

84. O Lord, how lovely is your dwelling place? A day in your dwelling is better than a thousand[...]

Chapter 85

85. O God, you forgave the sins of your people. Restore us again! His salvation is at hand.[...]

Chapter 86

86. Hear, O God, and answer me. Save your servant! You alone are God. I’ll glorify your name[...]

Chapter 87

87. Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of the Lord. God will write in the register of the[...]

Chapter 88

88. O God, day and night, I cry out to you. You’ve put me in the darkest depths. Do the dead rise[...]

Chapter 89

89. I’ll sing of the mercies of God. You said, “I’ll establish David’s throne forever.” O[...]

Chapter 90

90. You’ve been our dwelling place, O Lord! All the days pass under your wrath. Come back, O God![...]

Chapter 91

91. I’ll say of the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress.” You’ll be shielded by your[...]

Chapter 92

92. It’s good to thank the Lord. How great is your work! Your enemies will perish, and the[...]

Chapter 93

93. God reigns! Your throne is established from the old. God is mightier than the sea. Holiness[...]

Chapter 94

94. O God, God of revenge, shine forth! How long will the wicked prosper? The Lord will not reject[...]

Chapter 95

95. Let’s join, and let’s sing to the Lord! He’s the King above all gods. Let’s join and[...]

Chapter 96

96. Sing to God! Declare his glory among all nations. Worship God in holy splendor. He’ll judge[...]

Chapter 97

97. Let the earth rejoice as the Lord reigns. Fire goes before him. The heavens declare his[...]

Chapter 98

98. Sing to the Lord as He has remembered his steadfast love. Make a joyful noise before the Lord.[...]

Chapter 99

99. The Lord reigns; let the nations tremble! The Lord loves justice. He spoke from the pillar of[...]

Chapter 100

100. Shout for joy to God, all earth! Know that the Lord is God! Enter his courts with praise, for[...]

Chapter 101

101. I’ll sing of justice, O God. I’ll walk with integrity. My eyes will be on the faithful of[...]

Chapter 102

102. Hear my prayer, O God. I wither away like grass. You sit enthroned forever. The heavens will[...]

Chapter 103

103. Bless the Lord, O my soul. He forgives all your sins. He has compassion for those who fear[...]

Chapter 104

104. O Lord, you’re great. You set the earth on its foundations. All the creatures look up to you[...]

Chapter 105

105. Thank the Lord as he has remembered his covenant. He sent Moses to perform signs and brought[...]

Chapter 106

106. God is good! We’ve sinned like our fathers who forgot their God. They served false gods, but[...]

Chapter 107

107. Oh, give thanks to God! Let the redeemed agree. He brought them from the darkness and stilled[...]

Chapter 108

108. O Lord, my heart is steadfast. Your love is great above the heavens. God has spoken, “Judah[...]

Chapter 109

109. Don’t be silent, O Lord. For wicked mouths speak against me. May his name be blotted out![...]

Chapter 110

110. The Lord says to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand. You’re a priest in Melchizedek’s[...]

Chapter 111

111. Praise God as great is His work! He’s ever mindful of his covenant. All his precepts are[...]

Chapter 112

112. Blessed are those who fear God. Their righteousness endures forever and is unafraid of evil[...]

Chapter 113

113. Praised is God, and blessed be the name of God forever. He’s exalted over all the earth. He[...]

Chapter 114

114. When the Israelites came out of Egypt, Judah became the sanctuary of God. The sea watched and[...]

Chapter 115

115. Not to us, O God, but your name gives glory. Idols have eyes but cannot see. O Israelites,[...]

Chapter 116

116. I love the Lord, for he heard my cry. When I was low, he saved me. What can I give for all his[...]

Chapter 117

117. Praise God! For great is his love towards us.

Chapter 118

118. Give thanks to God, for his love endures forever! The nations of the earth surrounded me, but[...]

Chapter 119

119. Blessed are those who walk in the law of God. Teach me your decrees as I love your law.[...]

Chapter 120

120. In my distress, I cry to God. Deliver me from the deceivers. Woe to me! I’ve lived too long[...]

Chapter 121

121. I lift up my eyes to the hills; my help comes from God. He who keeps you will not slumber and[...]

Chapter 122

122. I was glad when they said, “Let’s go to the house of God!” The tribes go up to give[...]

Chapter 123

123. Our eyes look to the Lord as the eyes of servants look to their master. Have mercy on us, for[...]

Chapter 124

124. If God hadn’t been on our side, our attackers would have swallowed us alive. We escaped, and[...]

Chapter 125

125. Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved. Do well, O God, to[...]

Chapter 126

126. We were like dreamers when God brought back the captives. The Lord has done great things, and[...]

Chapter 127

127. Unless God builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Children are a heritage from God, the[...]

Chapter 128

128. Blessed are those who fear the Lord. You’ll eat the fruit of your labor. May the Lord bless[...]

Chapter 129

129. They’ve oppressed me from my youth. However, the Lord has cut the cords of the wicked. May[...]

Chapter 130

130. I cry to you, O God! If you record the sins, who could stand? But you always forgive. O[...]

Chapter 131

131. My heart is not proud, O God! I have quieted my soul like a weaned child with its mother. O[...]

Chapter 132

132. Remember, O God, how David vowed, “I’ll find a place for God.” God has selected Zion:[...]

Chapter 133

133. How great it is when brothers live together in unity! It’s like the precious oil on the[...]

Chapter 134

134. Come; bless God, all you servants of the Lord! Lift your hands up to the sanctuary. May God[...]

Chapter 135

135. Praise God! He’s above all gods and struck down many nations. Their false gods are but gold[...]

Chapter 136

136. Give thanks to God; his love endures; who spread out the earth, his love endures. Who led[...]

Chapter 137

137. By the rivers of Babylon, we wept when we remembered Zion. How can we sing God’s song? O[...]

Chapter 138

138. I give you thanks, O God! All the earth’s kings will praise you. Though I walk in the valley[...]

Chapter 139

139. O God, you’ve known me. Where can I go from your spirit? You knit me together in the womb of[...]

Chapter 140

140. Rescue me, O God, from the evildoers; protect me from the violent. You’re my Lord, my[...]

Chapter 141

141. O God, may my prayer be as incense. Don’t turn my heart to evil. Let the righteous rebuke[...]

Chapter 142

142. I cry out to God! You know my path when my spirit is faint. Protect me from my persecutors![...]

Chapter 143

143. Hear my prayer, O God! My enemy has crushed my life, and my soul thirsts for you. Direct my[...]

Chapter 144

144. Blessed is the Lord, who trains my hands for war. O God, reach down and save me! May there be[...]

Chapter 145

145. I will praise you, my Lord and King. All you’ve made will praise you. God is faithful and is[...]

Chapter 146

146. Praise God, O my soul! Don’t trust in mortal men. God executes justice for the oppressed and[...]

Chapter 147

147. It’s good to sing praises to our Lord! He counts the stars and lifts the humble. Praise God[...]

Chapter 148

148. Praise God from the heavens! Praise him, moon and sun! Praise God from the earth, both young[...]

Chapter 149

149. Praise God! Let Israel rejoice in their maker. God is happy with his people. Let swords be in[...]

Chapter 150

150. Praise God! Praise Him with strings and trumpet! Praise God with loud cymbals! Let everything[...]

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