
1 Corinthians

Paul drafts a disciplinary letter to the fractured church in Corinth, answering some of the questions about how Christians should behave. He also talks about the divisions and the many problems the church was experiencing.

Chapter 1

Paul, to the church in Corinth. Let there be no divisions. The cross is folly to those perishing,[...]

Chapter 2

I knew nothing among you except Christ crucified. We speak the wisdom of God. Through the Spirit we[...]

Chapter 3

You are still infants. One follows Paul, another Apollos. We are co-workers with God. Christ is the[...]

Chapter 4

Think of us as stewards of the mysteries of God. You are kings already? We are fools for Christ. I[...]

Chapter 5

You boast about the sexual immorality among you. You should deliver that man to Satan. But I am not[...]

Chapter 6

Do you take one another to court? Why not rather be wronged? Your body is not for sexual[...]

Chapter 7

It is good to stay unmarried, but better to marry than to burn with lust. Each should live as God[...]

Chapter 8

About food offered to idols: An idol is nothing. There is only one God. But if food makes my[...]

Chapter 9

You are the seal of my apostleship. Do we not have the right to material support? But I made myself[...]


Do not desire evil as our fathers did. God will make you able to endure temptation. Flee from[...]

Chapter 11

The head of a woman is her husband. I hear that some go hungry when you meet! With the bread and[...]

Chapter 12

Now there are various spiritual gifts, but one Spirit. If the whole body were an eye, how would it[...]

Chapter 13

Without love I am nothing. Love is patient, does not boast, endures all things. Tongues will cease,[...]

Chapter 14

Tongues edifies the speaker, prophecy edifies the church. Each of you brings a hymn, a lesson or a[...]

Chapter 15

Christ was raised from the dead. If not then your faith is futile. But he is the firstfruits. At[...]

Chapter 16

Put aside an offering for the saints. I will come to you. The churches of Asia greet you. The grace[...]

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